Using the Display Wizard to Customize Menu Navigation

Like the Basic Grid and Basic Calendar components in the v11 Platform, the Menu Navigation component utilizes a Display Wizard to maintain the component properties. The Display Wizard allows the builder to define any number of CorasWorks Views for each component.  Unlike the Grid and Calendar, the Menu Navigation can only show one view at a time to the end user.

When you place a Menu Navigation component on a page, no information is displayed by default. You will need to put the page in Edit Mode, then click on the edit button in the top right corner of the display and select Edit CorasWorks Settings. A Display Wizard page is displayed.

The Display Wizard is an administrative interface that provides a logical, thorough yet intuitive method to work with CorasWorks views, define web part and view properties, and make actions available for use within the display.  In addition, a Help button on every wizard page leads to the online help for the web part.

NOTE 1:  The Display Wizard is only available in Shared Mode; it is not supported in Personal Mode.

NOTE 2:  The properties in the Display Wizard that are used to identify a URL (usually labeled "Specify Site") offer a Browse button that allows the builder to choose from a drop-down list of all sites in the current site collection. These URLs are often too long to view in the allowed space. To accommodate for this, the builder can hover over a URL to view the corresponding site name.

NOTE 3: In order for an individual to have access to the Display Wizard, they must have at least the following minimum site permissions:

      Manage Permissions

      Create Subsites

      Manage Web Site