Follow these steps to create a view that is a copy of another view. Both views are unique, so that later changes to one view will not update the other.
1. Locate the view to be copied in the listing of Visible Views and select its Copy icon to the right (). A new view is created, with the following details:
• The view name is set to “<<original view name>> (copy)”;
• All of the properties are the same as the original and can be edited.
2. Select the new view’s Quick Edit icon () to change the title, description, category, and/or icon.
3. Click on the view’s Save icon () to save the changes made via the Quick Edit fields.
4. All of the properties that were defined for the original view are pre-populated for the copied action. To edit those options, click on the view’s Edit icon (). Make all necessary changes on the appropriate pages and click on the Apply icon () at the top of the page to save them and to return to the Display Wizard main page.