Adding a View

When the Display Wizard is opened, click on the “Create View” icon (Title: Create View Icon - Description: Create View Icon) at the top of the page.  A menu of Views options will be displayed.

Title: Menu Of Views - Description: Menu Of Views

This menu presents pre-configured default views for the component, as well as an option for adding a custom view.  Choose the appropriate view from the list and the view will be added into the component.

The new View will appear in the “Visible Views” section.  Click on new View’s Quick Edit icon Title: Quick Edit - Description: Quick Edit:

Title: New View - Description: New View

In the resulting Quick Edit View, rename the View and provide a description.

Title: Quick Edit View Options - Description: Quick Edit View Options

Once the View has been named, click on the Edit View icon Title: Edit View - Description: Edit View to be taken to the pages for editing the View’s configuration.