Edit View Navigation Icons

Table 2: Edit View Navigation Icons



Title: Confused Icon - Description: Confused Icon

This is the “confused” icon.  Present on each page, clicking it will result in an overlay on the screen that describes the options for the user.

Title: Apply Changes Icon - Description: Apply Changes Icon

The Apply icon saves changes to the Views and is available in both the Display Wizard’s Home, Component Settings, and Edit Views pages.

Title: Apply Changes And Return User - Description: Apply Changes And Return User

This icon will save the changes to the Views, then return the user to the web part page with the Grid, Calendar, or Menu Navigation component.

Title: Cancel Icon - Description: Cancel Icon

This is the Cancel icon.  Click on it to cancel out of the Display Wizard.  Any unsaved changes will be lost.

Title: Help Icon - Description: Help Icon

For additional help, users can click on the Information icon.  They will be taken to the CorasWorks online help files.

Title: Return To Home Page Icon - Description: Return To Home Page Icon

Found on the top right side of the page, this is the “take me” Home icon.  Click on it to return to the Home page of the Display Wizard.