Adding Widgets To The SharePoint Page

Once they are activated from within the Site Collection features, the process for adding widgets is as simple as adding any native SharePoint list or library web part.  This will take you less than a minute but here is how to do it step by step in case it’s new for you:

1.  Click on the Page section in the Ribbon Bar on any page in any native SharePoint site.


2.  Click on the page where you want to insert the Widget and the Ribbon bar will change to:


3.  Select the type of Widget based on List or Library type


4.  The select the best Widget to meet your needs…..don’t worry about selecting one you don’t know what it does because you can simply delete it if it doesn’t work for you.


5.  Don’t forget to click Add!  For example we are selecting “Tasks – Active Tasks” and the result is:


6.  Stop editing and go to a different page  and come back (so it refreshes the screen properly, we minimize post-backs to give you the fastest possible results) and ready to start working.